
Artist’s Statement

Over the course of my career making art, certain stylized symbols drawn from natural history and the urban environment continually resurface in my work, as well as the desire to confront issues surrounding society or the environment. Often, my work touches on a number of these concerns concurrently, creating subtle dialogues. Being originally from a large Northeastern city, I marveled how plants and creatures managed to survive among the bricks and bedlam of the urban environment. After moving to the Southeastern United States, as well as working in Agriculture and Natural Resources, my experiences and observations have informed my work in dramatically new ways. My choice when depicting my subjects is to present the essence of how I experience them rather than an exact representation of what they are. 

Her work is a fusion of opposites: virtual folk subjects on the one hand and high art strategies on the other.”  ­- Victoria Donohoe, Philadelphia Inquirer

My current CV can be found and downloaded here

I Was a Tomato Farmer, 2021, Artist Book – Unique – Collection of Franklin & Marshall College Library, Archives & Special Collections.