Featured Guest Artist: Anders Hansen

These drawings by Anders Hansen are from a trip he took to Spain in the fall of 2019. Note: if the images are reading too small on your device you may want to right click on them to enlarge.                    

Food, Culture, and Assumptions

Since I have mainly lived in the same geographic area for most of my life, the cultural encounters I had with food tended to be more influenced by late 19th and early 20th century European immigrants from many countries. Upon moving to the South, I realized that since the population was historically different, many ofContinue reading “Food, Culture, and Assumptions”

When Your Artwork Finds You Again

Every once in awhile, I hear from former customers regarding work they purchased and it is always lots of fun to hear how they have lived with the work through the years.  I had such an experience last week when a customer from the early 1990s contacted me to ask if the piece he purchasedContinue reading “When Your Artwork Finds You Again”

What is Home to Nikki Hansen

  Nikki Hansen was born in Elmer, NJ (when dinosaurs roamed the earth, or at least before the tiny local hospital splurged on air conditioning).  She currently lives in Glassboro, NJ. For me, “home” isn’t necessarily anchored in a single dwelling but is more the mental embodiment of comfort, beauty, joy, safety, memory, stimulation andContinue reading “What is Home to Nikki Hansen”